Zine: Venn Diagrams

The prompt for my International Zine Month 2020: Zine A Day project for Day 20 was Venn Diagrams. For me, that meant pretending that I am funny.
A Venn diagram shows the relationship between a group of different things in a visual way, typically using circles. Using Venn diagrams allows enables us to sort data into a number of circles which overlap in the middle. Each circle follows a certain rule or ideas, so any information placed in the the intersections follow both of the rules or ideas.
I enjoy Venn Diagram memes, and wanted to try my hand at making my own! Sometimes, I like to pretend that I am funny... did I succeed?!
This mini-zine is printed in fantastic full colour on a 100gsm paperstock to form a mini 8-page folded booklet.