Zine: this sh*t is bananas: A Recipe Zine

The prompt for my International Zine Month 2020: Zine A Day project for Day 4 was Banana. For me, that meant journeying into the kitchen!
I enjoy cooking, but I rarely make the time for it. Recently, I have started to collect recipes for dishes I want to cook, and I am slowly experimenting in the kitchen. This zine is a result of those experimentations, in particular, my experimentations with bananas!!
This mini-zine is full of delicious and nutritious recipes featuring the humble banana to help you get one... or more of your five a day! All of the recipes are vegan, simple to cook, and use easy to source ingredients. Bananas are among the most important food crops on the planet! I hope you will enjoy eating them in these decadent recipes!
This mini-zine is printed in fantastic full colour on a 100gsm paperstock to form a mini 8-page folded booklet.